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Free Download of Shkobba!! تنزيل لعبة شــكبة  

This game is played by two, You against the PC.

Every round starts by giving 3 cards to each side. One side starts playing by either throwing a card on the table or picking on or more cards that sum-up to the value of the played card. In case the player picks all cards from the table, then the cards picked will be placed upside-down for later counting, this is called Shkobba. Play continues until all six cards are played , on by one successively. Players are dealt three more cards from the pile, and play continues until the pile is finished, and this ends up one round, after counting the points as explained below, cards are reshuffled and another round begins....


Points are counted as follows:

  • One point for the player who won most cards

  • One Point for who gets the "Bermilla" ( which is 3 or 4 Sevens, or 2 Sevens and 3 or 4 Sixes)

  • One Point for player who got the 7 of Diamonds (called the Hia Point)

"Shkobba"s are counted by either of one of three methods depending on Game Mode:
Number of Shkobbas
Or by number of cards in a shkobba
Or Sum of Values of each card in a Shkobba

The winner is the player who reaches 21 ( or 31 or 41 depending on game mode) after playing several rounds.