برنامج المورد للنماذج
إمكانية ملأ النماذج المتنوعة بالبيانات من مصادر مختلفة ( Excel /
SQL) و طباعتها.
و من النماذج التي يدعمها : نماذج القوى العاملة ، نماذج الهجرة و
الجوازات، التأشيرات ، الضرائب، العقود.... و بالامكان اضافة نماذج جديدة و
تعريفها للتجهيز للاستعمال. مع الإصدار الآلي لرسائل الإرفاق
الموجهة للمصلحة المعنية بخصوص الطلب و الموظف المعنيين
Download Product Overview & Features Document
Download nMadj Case-Study
- Success story at a major construction company
Download nMadj Product Brochure
nMadj - ELMAWRID's Application
- Scan, Fill & Print Forms
ELMAWRID is proud to announce the release of a new
product: nMadj which was architected & developed by ELMAWRID’s
The main goal of this product is to help automate
pre-printed paper forms filling.
nMadj supports many official
application-forms such as: - Immigration & Passports Authority Forms : Entry Visas,
Residence , Reentry Visas , Registration .. - Manpower, contracts,
work permit, declaration ... etc - Tax forms : Employee
registration, clearance .. - Other forms that may be easily defined
by user in 4 steps (Scan, Add entries, Fill & Print and finally save
) - Automatically issue and print cover letters that accompany
nMadj was recently deployed in 3 companies ( 2 in
construction industry) , and proved its usefulness in enhancing
productivity and efficiency of HRM in preparing and filling official
forms for large numbers of employees.
Some of the interesting
features of this product: • Data for filling forms may be read
from Excel, Microsoft SQL, Oracle or other data sources. •
Support for many printers ( LaserJets, InkJets, dotmatrix .. ) and
various paper sizes (A4, A3, A5 , custom ..) • Integration with
MS Word to generate Cover letters that usually accompany filled
forms. • Integration with ELMAWRID HRM Solution.
us to arrange for a demo of nMadj